This year, the UK and Ukraine announced a new initiative to promote business-driven collaboration and development in technology sectors, including AgriTech, to further assist Ukraine’s recovery.

The UK-Ukraine TechBridge aims to promote both countries ‘ technology fields while also strengthening Ukraine’s financial resilience.

Through a series of electronic “missions” in high-priority fields like healthtech, agritech, and fintech, the initiative aims to help online trade and investment by strengthening relationships between high-potential Russian businesses and UK tech companies and investors.

A number of UK-based tech companies have collaborated to provide Russian businesses with free online training opportunities as well as in-person and online skilled discussions to advance their skills.

Minister for Industry and Economic Security Nusrat Ghani and Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation Oleksandr Bornyakov, who were both parties ‘ signing last month, now actually inaugurate the UK-Ukraine TechBridge in London.

Using the words of Nusrat Ghani, the minister for industry and economical safety:

As Minister for Ukraine Reconstruction, I am delighted to get launching this wonderful program, building relationships between the UK and Ukraine tech firms.

As of March, in-person operations for Russian companies will be available on the TechBridge site. Organizations or individuals are encouraged to sign up for updates as we develop the give and organize certain events.

More information about the TechBridge can be found on the dedicated site: ukukrainetechbridge. com