Engineering science has the potential to solve some of our biggest global problems, from developing novel vaccines and treatments, to plastic-free presentation and sustainable energy for travel.
The UKRI Technology Missions Fund announced immediately two new investments that will help address these issues and promote economic growth in the UK’s architectural science sector.
Proof of concept
A £3 million proof of concept program aims to establish new cooperation between researchers and architectural science researchers.
The White City Deep Tech Campus at Imperial College London will be the setting for the SynbiCITE Innovation and Knowledge Center.
Effective candidates will have access to SynbiCITE’s state-of-the-art services like The London BioFoundry, providing a set of tools and training.
This new programme comprises three stages: i ) an ideation and basic PoC stage, ii ) a six-month extension project which will be evaluated by a panel of scientific/engineering and commercial experts and iii ) for teams which pass evaluation, further development of their projects/products over a longer period, supported by significant development funds.
Throughout the initiative, tasks will be supervised by SynbiCITE’s scientific and technical employees, as well as outside experts and the groups will have access to SynbiCITE’s professional services, including the biofoundry. SynbiCITE will be able to connect businesses and groups with outside investors, including its own companion SynBioVen, once the growth phase is effective.
On the SynbiCITE site, learn more about applying. Applications must be submitted by December 31st, 2024.
Rice corn account
The recently announced Engineering Biology Mission Hubs and Mission Awards study programs, which were funded by a separate £2.8 million plant wheat finance, will help advance the development and expansion of business opportunities.
Through funding initiatives like: The Seed Corn Fund, the seed corn fund aims to promote the commercialization of architectural science discoveries and the development of new executive biology ventures.
- weighting of products or technologies with business potential
- developing self-sustaining firm types
- investment and end-user wedding and market discovery
- business and entrepreneurship coaching
In our Funding Finder, you can find more available funding names.