Energy source structure at DLR Cologne. Credit: DLR. cta. de/content/en/articles/news/2021/02/20210412_dlr-at-the-digital-hannover-messe-2021. xml.

Experts develop a novel method for storing hydrogen in new lakes and reservoirs, according to a new Nature Communications research.

In a number of companies, gas has emerged as a tempting alternative to fossil fuels for power generation. Green gas, which is produced by electroplating of water using renewable energy sources like solar, breeze, and heat, is particularly important.

However, the wide adoption of green gas has faced challenges, mainly due to a lack of adequate safe-keeping solutions.

High-density polyethylene ( HDPE ) pipes are used as a method of storing green hydrogen in this study. Plastic pipes are used at the base of lakes, reservoirs, or electricity storage systems for liquid management.

Phys. org spoke to the study’s first author, Dr. Julian David Hunt, a Research Scientist at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST ) in Saudi Arabia.

He cited his research into new methods for hydrogen storage as evidenced by his previous work on compressed air energy storage ( CAES ) in the deep sea.

Restrictions of recent backup solutions

There are currently a number of options for gas store, which vary depending on how much the gas is being stored.

For instance, liquid hydrogen needs to be stored at really low temperatures, compressed gas needs to be kept in specially designed tanks under high pressure, and underground storage options depend on the area.

With region-dependent solutions, such as sodium caverns and drained natural gasoline reservoirs, the technique is not very flexible. Because hydrogen storage is required, these tools may not be geographically accessible where they are needed.

Since HDPE valves are now present at the bottom of lake, dams, and other electricity storage systems, Dr. Hunt and his team’s approach is more commonly used.

However, pursuing this opportunity proved difficult because of the insufficient knowledge regarding the underground depths of sea floors, riverbeds, lakes, and other liquid bodies.

Dr. Hunt said,” The main problem is the lack of bathymetric files of rivers and pools. Basically, this information represents a topographical map of the seafloor or plain, providing information about the form, features, and structure of covered areas”.

Goal of HDPE valves

The water management in water body is what the Thermoplastic pipes are actually used for. They can be utilized to carry water for a variety of reasons, including crops, customer needs, and drain.

The fabric is extremely durable and resistant to corrosion and degeneration, making it suitable for long-term use because it can withstand high pressure under.

Additionally, gravel is added around these pipes to ensure they are stable and do n’t move due to water currents, acting as a support for the pipes.

If HDPE valves are required to store gas, these elements are also beneficial.

HDPE pipelines as backup

The best of these valves can be filled with water, which pushes the water out of the pipes. To prevent unnecessary development or compression, hydrogen needs to be kept under a specific pressure. The pressure of the water paragraph above the valves normally causes this to occur.

The system prevents the domestic hydrogen pressure from expanding and putting strain on the pipes by keeping the inner pressure at the same degree as the external water pressure.

When liquid levels and, therefore, water pressure fluctuate, stress reduction valves are in position to change the flow of both water and gas, thus maintaining a constant tension in the pipes.

The ocean level will rise as a result of heavy rains, which may increase the pressure. In such a situation, stress reduction valves are used to remove gas and allow the extra fluids to remain pressure-free in the tube.

This simply succeeds because gas is insoluble in water, which makes this method harmless to aquatic life and reduces the impact on the environment.

Countless opportunities

The researchers analyzed data from the California Oroville Reservoir to assess the viability of the proposed backup solution.

At a level of 200 feet per year, they discovered that using their presented process, the levelized price of gas storage was estimated to be around 0.17 USD per gram.

They additionally found that the process is more space-efficient than solar power generation, requiring about 38-times less place for storage than for solar panel installation.

In contrast, this technology demonstrates wonderful flexibility, making it compatible with existing hydropower infrastructure. Additionally, it does provide varying water levels in pools, increasing storage capacity as water levels rise.

Additionally, the researchers used data from artificial rivers and pools.

According to the data, there are 15 PWh ( petawatt-hours ) of global hydrogen storage in lakes and reservoirs, with 3 PWh in artificial reservoirs and 12 PWh in natural lakes.

This potential is more than half of the Caspian Sea’s ( 6. 4 PWh ) total.

” The possibility of storing hydrogen in hydropower reservoirs and lakes substantially increases the possible locations for large-scale hydrogen storage, particularly close to the demand for energy ( cities, industrial districts ) or renewable energy supply ( solar, wind, and hydropower plants )”, said Dr. Hunt.

Coming gas market

” Energy storage with sand and pipes in rivers and reservoirs is a dynamic solution to long-term gas storage and can contribute to the development of potential hydrogen economies,” said Dr. Hunt.

Since the process uses existing system, it is cost-effective. Also, since gas is insoluble in water, this view poses no climate risk.

But, Dr. Hunt pointed out,” The major economic impact is the existence of huge pipes at the bottom of the lake/reservoir, which may destroy the fauna and flora at the bottom of the reservoir”.

Dr. Hunt has suggested that this could be a field of research he would like to pursue, but the lack of complete information in this area is a bit of a concern.

” An interesting research]topic ] would be to combine all the possible options for large-scale hydrogen storage in one database, including geological, reservoirs, lakes, and oceanic storage”, he concluded.

More information: Julian David Hunt et al, Hydrogen storage with gravel and pipes in lakes and reservoirs, Nature Communications ( 2024 ). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-52237-1.

Citation: Experts suggest using the existing network in rivers and reservoirs to store gas. (2024, October 5) retrieved 5 October 2024 from

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