This’ Nature-based Options ‘ money opportunity is for groups who would like to create a service related to nature-based answers programs. Funding will be provided by the European Space Agency ( ESA ) for 6-month studies called’ Kick-Starts’, which can lead onto larger scale Demonstration Projects. Kick-Starts are funded at 75 % by ESA for a maximum of €75K per deal. Presented services must apply satellite data or space-based systems.

The Challenge

The accessible programs for NBS are wide-ranging and stretch some categories. There is now attention and need for solutions that improve the performance in planning, implementing, and surveillance of habitat service. This is evident in the rise of data-driven tools, many of which are being used to reduce the technological difficulties in determining the benefits of natural methods, many of which are driven by satellite-derived information.

NBS management and implementation can gain a lot from digital technologies like AI and IoT devices that are used by space assets like satellite Earth observation ( SatEO ), satellite navigation ( Satnav ), and satellite communications ( Satcom ). This includes the use of satellite imagery to highlight areas for ecosystem restoration, monitor green spaces for changes in habitat condition, engage Positioning, Navigation and Timing ( PNT ) services to geo-reference sites for NBS, as well as supporting the monitoring of systems that foster biodiversity through communication/IoT services.

Topics of Relevance

Following are outlined some of the pertinent issues that have been identified for this Kick-Start:

Ecosystem reconstruction, including

    diversity monitoring services, providing information on the types and variations of species and/or indices for ecosystem services

  • preparing of restoration work
  • shift monitoring services to compare intervened and unintervened sites to track recovery efforts over time and/or the value offered by ecology services.

Nature-related challenges, opportunities and statements, including

  • Services supporting the recognition, assessment, management and reporting of nature-related relationships, effect, risks and opportunities
  • companies that promote biodiversity and finance character

What we look for

Kick-Start activities explore the business opportunity and the technical viability of new applications and services that exploit one or more space assets ( e. g. Satellite Communications, Satellite Navigation, Earth Observation, Human Spaceflight Technology ).

This call for Kick-Start actions is focused on the” Natural solutions,” which means that it is available to businesses that want to create space-enabled applications and services to support the creation, funding, monitoring, and evaluation of nature-based solutions, but it is not limited to the relevant topics as stated above.

What we offer

We offer financing and assistance to businesses, both for business situation analysis and for the development of new, space-based solutions.
Our present includes:

  • Technical &amp, professional assistance
  • Exposure to our community and partners
  • Use of the ESA product for your services
  • Zero-equity cash

The European Space Agency will provide up to 100 % money for each task selected.

On the European Space Agency web, you can use and see all the details.