Yet in challenging weather conditions, ARA has a key advantage: it can lower drift.
Spray fall is a big problem for producers and governments alike, as it wastes tools and affects neighboring plants, ecosystems, and public health. This has been addressed by stringent regulations, and innovations in mist technologies are essential for compliance. Ecorobotix’s ARA ultra-high detail spray addresses this problem head-on, reducing fall by up to 95 %, as shown in recent studies in Germany and the Netherlands. These findings demonstrate ARA’s strong potential for global fall decline, making it a valuable alternative to this pressing issue, even though both certifications just apply to the current Ar model and are nationally recognized.
Following a thorough evaluation by the Technical Committee for Technology Assessment (TCT), the ARA sprayer was recognized on the Dutch DRT-list ( Drift Reducing Technique ). As long as the method is followed in accordance with the given circumstances, Dutch farmers can follow herb protection product regulations and environmental conservation initiatives.
In Germany, ARA has similarly been recognized by the Julius Kühn Institute ( JKI ) and included in the” Verzeichnis Verlustmindernde Geräte” ( Directory of Loss-Reducing Devices ). The program achieved accreditation of 95 % fall reduction, demonstrating that, when operated under specified conditions—including specific tip distance and shielding—ARA can substantially reduce chemical fall. These qualifications help European landowners abide by legal requirements while minimizing their impact on the environment.
Yet in challenging weather conditions, ARA has a key advantage: it can lower drift. In areas prone to strong winds, ARA’s precise spray technology and protective covers help keep drift to a minimum, providing farmers greater flexibility in their operations. Ecorobotix’s ARA sprayer reduces the use of plant protection products by 60-95% compared to traditional broadcast sprayers, thanks to its ultra-high precision 6x6cm spraying footprint. This allows farmers to significantly lower both input usage and manual labor costs.